The Lord Is Beauty

Streetlights presents this collection of items inspired by ALERT312's latest Album "The Lord is Beauty" — a mediation on the beauty of Jesus Christ.

New Testament print bible (NLT)

The Streetlights New Testament NLT Bible is a visually compelling, easy-to-understand translation that links to Streetlights' audio and video resources.

Freely Given // Give Freely

Every resource that we produce is Freely Given. At the same time we want to give you the opportunity to be generous and Give Freely. As you add a resource to your cart you’ll have the opportunity to select the amount you would like to give accordingly.

Dado Como Ofrenda // Ofrendar

Todos los recursos que producimos se ofrecen libre de costo. Al mismo tiempo, queremos darte la oportunidad de poder ofrendar. A medida que añadas un recurso a tu carrito, tendrás la oportunidad de seleccionar cuánto deseas ofrendar al ministerio para continuar creando recursos que edifiquen a las nuevas generaciones.